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Conor Caulfield
Members Public

EA Defeated By Fans Over Apex MTX

Apex Legends will not move ahead with a controversial plan to force players to pay for their battle passes with real currency - thanks to fan backlash. But it paints a picture of EA's problems going forwards - they need fans onside.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Did Valve *Actually* Fix TF2?

“Will Team Fortress 2 Stay Fixed?” After a year of chaos, bots and miserable play experiences - Valve have listened to the TF2 community. But the question above is on everyone's lips - is this permanent?

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Does Anyone Actually Want To Pay For Multiplayer Games?

Have Free To Play PvP games devalued the market to the point where a new, paid, PvP game can't exist any more? The Beta for Concord - and the reception to it - has us wondering.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

How Licensing Ruined Video Games

Why have brand deals, tie in skins and franchise takeovers become the core product in almost every game? Is nothing allowed to just have it's own aesthetic any more?

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Ubisoft Doubles Down On Remakes

Ubisoft are doubling down on a practice they’re historically terrible at. Remasters. But when you look back at their history of remasters, it’s easy to worry about what that looks like. So what’s changed - why does Ubisoft think they can actually pull it off this time?

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

"Not Every Game Should Be... Some Live Service Boom or Bust"

“Not every game should be aimed at becoming some live-service boom or bust. And a release should not begin an ever-accelerating treadmill on which devs are forced to run until their mental or physical health breaks down.”

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Rockstar Cancelled Single Player DLC Because MTX Was More Profitable

Sometimes we’re given a stark reminder that the people in charge often don’t care about video games. Like when an ex Rockstar developer finally confirms Single Player DLC for Grand Theft Auto V was abandoned because how could it compete with the money printing machine that is GTA Online?

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

EA Just Broke Apex Players' Trust

In one announcement, EA and Reswpawn managed to undo years of goodwill for Apex Legends, a game that had managed to avoid lasting criticism despite still using lootboxes, exorbitant F2P cosmetic costs and more. Let's go through how they broke player's trust.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Take Two Are Selling A Game With No Developer for $39.99

Right now, Kerbal Space Program 2 is on sale for 20% off as part of the Steam Summer Sale. Take Two are selling the game despite having closed the developer making the game, have no clear plan for further development and are putting up a wall of silence around even acknowledging that closure.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

WTF Happened To Diablo 4?

One Year From Launch, what has actually happened to Diablo 4? It’s not been a great time for Blizzard as they’ve bounced from controversy to controversy in design, selling absurdly expensive cosmetics all the while. And yet audiences are excited by what's next.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Steam’s Billion Dollar Competition Lawsuit

Nearly a Billion dollars are on the line in the UK, with Steam facing a lawsuit that takes them to task for their dominance of the PC Gaming market - and allegations they use that dominance to control the wider sale of PC Games.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Is Elden Ring: Shadows of the Erdtree really too hard?

The big question from the weekend, how can one of the most highly anticipated games, from the most trusted developers, have a 65% user review rating on Steam after it's launch?