
We like WoW lore, a lot. Too much, maybe. So here are our articles exploring the lore in depths no-one else does. Speculation, theories, and thematic tying together of 30 years of Warcraft storytelling - all right here.

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Pandaria: Blizzard's Most Coherent Story? It's Beautiful Anyway

Pandaria, we're gonna break the whole story down and figure out why, after all these years, some consider it one of the most well told stories in the Warcraft canon, ever.

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Azeroth Is NOT A Titan!

Azeroth is a Worldsoul but is she a Titan? Let's deep dive and show just how the Worldsoul we know, singing its Radiant Song, evolved from Aman'thul's Final Titan.

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Magni De-stoned!

Our Worldsoul is calling out. But we’ve no idea what she wants. There’s a mystery here to be uncovered. Why won’t Azeroth talk to Magni? Why has everyone else heard the Radiant Song? Why is Magni different and just what the hell is up with these new Earthen? Turns out it’s all related!

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

The Hidden Arathor Kingdom

A true blood Arathi Kingdom? In my underground expansion? That’s way better than I could have hoped!

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

The Quel'Thalas Revamp Is Huge: The United Elven City

For the first time since before the War of the Ancients, the elves will (apparently) be united as one. What does that mean for Silvermoon and Quel'Thalas? A whole lot.

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

100 Hours of SoD, Paladin DKs & Xal'atath.

I played Season of Discovery for like… 100 hours, from the 21st of last month until today. Yea, for some people them's rookie numbers, but for me it was an experience with World of Warcraft I don’t think I’ve had in years.

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Season of Discovery's Lore Is Core Warcraft

Did SoD just ADD lore to World of Warcraft?

Tee-Jay Dack
Members Public

Data Diaries: Dragonflight Season 3, First 2 Weeks & Early Members Video!

Ad Free Video & Data Diaries! We take a deeper dive into all the things coming in season 3! Amirdrassil: By The Numbers with all our accompanying graphs!

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

What's Next For The Night Elves?

The long road and Vigil to Bel'ameth. Time to rest? To rebuild? Or is more grief on the horizon?

Tee-Jay Dack
Members Public

All The 11.0 Features You May Have Missed

A deeper look into what will be coming up in 11.0!

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Anduin Part 2: Warrior King

After peace and after war, what does Anduin have left? The resolve we all need.

Tee-Jay Dack
Members Public

Data Diaries: WoW, By The Numbers - Dragonflight Season 2

A new form of lore drop from our warcraft team! Covering more supporting data and research that we couldn't fit into our videos!