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3 Massive Changes To Your UI In 1.1
Another battle won in the war against addons, and another collectable for you to spend hours earning. Massive indeed!
All of our Warcraft news, guides, and in-depth lore content, plus our videos as soon as they're ready - ad-free to boot.
Warcraft Videos
Another battle won in the war against addons, and another collectable for you to spend hours earning. Massive indeed!
Warcraft Videos
Ion gave PC Gamer hope for M+ this week, while WoW is absolutely popping off thanks to OnlyFangs. Plus, Swift Spectral Tiger in a lootbox & new mounts that you can’t get. It’s the news!
Azshara was one predicted to return. The first shots in that story have been fired. From the Queen of the Kaldorei Empire to the Empress of the void, Azshara’s threat is finally going to pay off.
Warcraft Videos
DRIVE, WoW’s best new feature in years, welcomes in the real future of World of Warcraft. One that’s a lot more fun to play.
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We’ve spent a few days going through PTR with a fine-tooth comb, so here’s the rundown of everything cool we’ve found so far!
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One of the most sought after allied races may finally be coming to Warcraft. New data-mined Shadowguard ethereal models are promising, but when you dig into the story, it becomes clear how Warcraft’s most mysterious race may soon become defenders of Azeroth.
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Say goodbye to pets!? Marksmanship Hunter has been all over the place for years. Blizz are carving out a fantasy for it, for real this time, and it's certainly controversial.
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For the first time coming into a fresh January, we have a damn good idea of what the whole year looks like. No content droughts, no languishing in the dark, just constant WoW to play.
Three reasons its called the Siren Isle, three factions that want to claim a circlet, and three massive storylines pointing toward our future. There’s a mountain of lore squeezed into a tiny spot!
A colossal war is on the horizon. We stand on one side, with dragon, naaru and the arathi. On the other stands Xal’atath and the worst creations of the void. We’re getting a picture of what 12.0, Midnight, holds, and it’s bigger than we could have imagined.
Warcraft Videos
WoW’s next patch digs deep into one of the most sought after locales - and with it, a host of fresh changes and additions to gobble up.
Sargeras did nothing wrong! That’s ridiculous, he headed a cosmos cleansing crusade to end all life. Ok, but he was trying to do something intentional when he stabbed our planet. Strap in!