Video: I Interviewed Warcraft's Boss, Holly
Ad Free Video! I got to sit down and have a long chat with Holly Longdale - and I got to question her on everything she does for Warcraft. Turns out, it's a lot.
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Ad Free Video! I got to sit down and have a long chat with Holly Longdale - and I got to question her on everything she does for Warcraft. Turns out, it's a lot.
Ad Free Video! Blizzard wants everyone to talk about the big features, the content, the story, all of the real juicy bits! We’re more interested in the surprises that will make you have a better time. So we tried stuff, looked around and found 22 NEW features that look tiny, but are huge.
Ad Free Video! I've been playing The War Within. Matt has been playing The War Within. So, let's talk about how it's been so far!
Ad Free Video! After an outright degenerate weekend of testing it all night long, we found out that MoP Remix isn't what anyone expected it to be. It's way more fun, and full of surprises.
Ad Free Video! 50+ MOUNTS! A massive stack of recolour transmogs, and a MoP Remix update or two.
Warcraft Posts
For the first time since before the War of the Ancients, the elves will (apparently) be united as one. What does that mean for Silvermoon and Quel'Thalas? A whole lot.
Ad Free VIdeo! After spending a few days in the lab, we have the data to prove it: WoW takes too long to load. Thankfully, we have a solution. These three tips will cut your load times in half.
Ad Free Video! Ahead of Season 4, the meta-achievement has driven players to nuke Primal Storms like crazy. You can take advantage of that to tag elites and level from 60 to 70 at a blistering pace with minimal effort. But is it all it’s cracked up to be?
Warcraft Posts
Primal Storms: the old-yet-new levelling hotness? I'd say so, but with a few caveats.
Warcraft Posts
With a spreadsheet and a dream, I set out to fix my loading times. I succeeded. Now, I can help you fix yours.
Ad Free Video! This week’s WoW news covers season 4, the imminent alpha drop, John Hight talking movies and indie games and PSAs for your gameplay this week
Ad Free Video Blizzard’s big new box feature, hero talents, were under fire by a large chunk of the community. Is it right to suggest they’ve wasted their time, or is there something we’re forgetting?