Summer Showcases Streaming Soon!
This weekend the Not-E3 Geoff Keighly Power Hour is coming. So keep an eye on when the streams your most interested in are showing.

Ahead of tonight's Summer Games Fest at 2pm PDT/ 4pm EDT/ 10pm BST and the rest of this weekend's games showcase streams, the team thought it be a good idea to re-compile our most recent articles related to them, so you have all the information you need.

As well as these, our in house QA - Adam - went to Northern Ireland's Ulster University Graduates Games Design End Of Year Showcase last night (catchy title right?).
He thought it would be nice to show them off here too with their Digital Booklet.
Enjoy the trailers and demos if you are interested.

As well as those, here are the Queen's University Creative Computing End Of Year Game Demos. All handily recorded and shown off on Twitch.