
Michael "Bellular" Bell, pre-Blizzcon party. He'll never be the same again.

Welcome, everyone!

What is this? It's our website! To put it briefly, this is where we'll be posting tons of written content and granting ad-free and sponsor-free access to all of our content to paying members. In the near future, we'll be making exclusive video content here too.

We're excited to get started with all of this, so feel free to sign up, take a look around and see what we've already got posted!

Tonight, there'll be another newsletter, some more News posts, and starting soon... Tons of Blizzcon coverage!

If you have any questions or concerns, talk to Matt in the Discord or on Twitter (@Matlagan)

A few quick questions to answer first:

How do I get in?

Simple! Sign up for one of the paid tiers and you're good! If you're an existing member on our Patreon, just sign in with your email and you're good to go!
If you're a Youtube member, DM @Matlagan on Discord or Twitter.

Make sure to go to your Account Settings and set which emails you'd like to receive.

Where did the Loot tier go?

We're putting that on pause until the new year, where it will be back with whole new designs, ideas, and higher quality!
To be frank, the team have been stretched a little thin, and we got into a habit of making things that weren't as exciting as we wanted, so a quick break will mean when it returns, it will return with an oomph.

How do I access Discord?

Paying subscribers check here: https://bellular.ghost.io/discord-access/

How do I get access to my benefits? (Credits, Discord roles, Questions, etc)

We're beginning the rollout of those things next week. We wanted to get this site open to you as soon as possible so we can see what we're doing right and wrong.