Video: The State of Delves In The War Within
Ad Free Video! Today, we dive into how Delves are shaping up on Alpha, as well as what we’ve learned about endgame, and a ‘secret’ 13th delve inspired by Legion’s Mage Tower feature

Ad Free Video! Today, we dive into how Delves are shaping up on Alpha, as well as what we’ve learned about endgame, and a ‘secret’ 13th delve inspired by Legion’s Mage Tower feature
Blizzard’s answer to WeakAuras: Good enough, or a huge waste of time? The answer might be both.
Paired reports suggest that Xbox are hurrying their handheld PC plans to market via ASUS in the hopes of grabbing market share before SteamOS takes it all.
Microtransactions in a closed alpha. What on earth are EA thinking?
Brand new Crash Bandicoot, Guitar Hero returning and Call of Duty finally getting a standalone Zombies title?! Yes, it's official. Yes, it's all too good to be true, but that's not the worst of it...