Update: Where We Are & Where We're Headed!
An update on what we've done, what we're doing, and when we're doing it.
Hey everyone!
We're immensely thankful for the support so far. It's been a few months now, so it's time for a check-in: What have we done since launch? What's still on the theoretical roadmap?
Where We Are
Lorewalking has hit a pretty nice groove, and we have a private podcast RSS feed now via Captivate - meaning you can access it via your favourite podcast app.
Gerard and I will continue to target these once per week, with a new release day of Tuesday.
Loading Screen
The news never stops - with Conor and I (mostly him) publishing over 80 Loading Screens so far, that's a lot of news. That's five posts a week, one every weekday.
Early Access & Ad-Free Videos
We're regularly publishing Warcraft videos at least a day early here for members, and our News videos land here on bellular.games without ads before they're up on the main channel. It's not perfect, not yet, but this site is approaching the best place to get all of our content.
We Think You Should(n't) Play
Spurred on by Matt wanting to share his thoughts playing Persona 3 Reload and Helldivers 2, there's a fresh regular-ish column on whatever we've been playing that we think is relevant to you - and whether or not we think you should play it. Feedback is very welcome on this one!
Editor's Note
Conall's fortnightly-ish column has been going down a treat! He's more than happy to continue editorializing whenever he has an idea.
Where We're Heading
Exclusive Videos
For the sake of transparency, we've been running a bit of a skeleton crew this month. We wanted to get one done for this month, but it proved impossible while also pushing forward on regular content.
So, no promises until we're back at full throttle (soon), but I'll say this: We want to make the best videos we can, just for you, worth every penny of your sub.
It'll just be a little longer before we can show you what that looks like - so at the earliest, expect a teaser in the next few weeks and our first flagship video out by the end of March.
WoW Guides & Articles
With the game being a bit... sleepy... in the wait for 10.2.6 in March and The War Within Alpha, we're thinking on the kind of WoW posts you might find interesting and valuable in the meantime.
We're not completely sold on what to do just yet, but here are some options we're exploring:
- Hidden/retrospective lore - stories you might have missed, old recaps of quest zones, etc.
- Current content guides - what to do in the current patch.
- Transmog farming guides - how to farm old tier efficiently, etc.
- "Meta" guides - how to think about and play the game.
Any thoughts, let us know in the Member's Lounge Discord. We want to get more of this out to you ASAP.

News Videos As A Podcast Feed
Is this something you'd like? Now that we have private podcast feeds available, we could quite easily deliver our News content to you in audio form. In fact, we might just start doing this... very soon. Keep your eyes peeled... in the next week or two!
Loading Screen In Audio
Reading is cool and all, but sometimes you want the news delivered with a little oomph, a little pizazz, a little spirit.
Like with some of the other things, we're currently asking ourselves what would make for the best experience - once we've got that worked out, we can get the Loading Screen delivered to your ears as well as your eyes. Our ETA for this is still up in the air, but I'll tentatively say during March.
A New New URL?
...we haven't had time to push forward on it, but we do have a full site rebrand on the roadmap. A better name, with better visuals.
Thanks for being with us. See you next week for more of, well, everything. Have a good weekend.