Upcoming Games: A Packed April
After a bumper year so far - and a summer that's starting to fill up - April is a relative breather of a month with time to catch up, but that doesn't mean there aren't a whole range of good games coming out.

After a bumper year so far - and a summer that's starting to fill up - April is a relative breather of a month with time to catch up, but that doesn't mean there aren't a whole range of good games coming out. On top of multiple ports for titles, we've got highly anticipated ARPGs like No Rest for the Wicked, stylish character action games like Stellar Blade and some of the most anticipated indies on Steam like Manor Lords or Harold Halibut.
There really is something for everyone - even on top of all the great games so far this year.
Sons of Valhalla
Developer: Pixel Chest
Publisher: Hooded Horse
Platforms: PC
Release Date: 05/04/24
We start this month with Sons of Valhalla on the 5th. It’s a 2D, pixel art strategy game that sees players taking on the role of Viking Warrior Thorald Olavson as he settles in England, seeking revenge against his former Jarl. How will you be doing this? First you’ll build up a fortress and an army to fight at your side, then engage in side scrolling combat against enemies that will range from hack and slash to full on sieges as you raid and storm against your enemies. If you’ve ever played the Kingdom series you’ll have a good benchmark for the style, but Pixel Chest’s effort here is going into making the game truly reflect the viking age in both tone and aesthetic.
Gigantic: Rampage Edition
Developer: Abstraction
Publisher: Gearbox Software
Platforms: PC, Xbox, Playstation
Release Date: 09/04/24
On the 9th, a game we’ve covered previously, as Gearbox are relaunching their near decade old hero MOBA about taking on gigantic boss monsters - but this time with no live service, no free to play microtransactions, and a one time buy in for all content. We’ll have to see if the actual gameplay changes are enough for people to stick around - but hopefully Gearbox choosing less predatory monetisation models pays off.
Children of the Sun
Developer: Rene Rother
Publisher: Devolver Digital
Platforms: PC
Release Date: 09/04/24
Devolver love to publish interesting indie games with neat concepts, and Rene Rother’s Children of the Sun on the same day is just that. In theory it’s a simple arcade shooter, you’re taking down the cult that ruined your life - with just a sniper rifle and a bullet that you directly control to do sick puzzle tricks. Every time you take someone down, you get to realign the trajectory of the bullet with the aim being to take down everyone on the stage in as few moves as possible. There’s a suitably grungy aesthetic for this one, but the recent Steam Next Fest demo showed the real appeal was replaying levels for that high score.
Botany Manor
Developer: Balloon Studios
Publisher: Whitethorn Games
Platforms: PC, Xbox, Switch
Release Date: 09/04/23
Horticulture based puzzle games have been carving out their own niche in games in recent years - and Botany Manor has been on people’s radar for a little while before it’s 9th April release.
Set in 19th Century England during the Age of Science, players will explore the titular manor and attempt to puzzle out the best possible conditions for every plant in the collection.
All while learning the history of the manor and it’s owner, retired botanist Arabella Greene - and the difficulties of scientific study for her in that time period. Especially compared to many other releases this month, this feels like a particularly sedate option to chill with.
Ereban Shadow Legacy
Developer: Baby Robot Games
Publisher: Baby Robot Games
Platforms: PC
Release Date: 10/04/24
On the 10th, a new entry in the third person stealth platforming genre - as Ereban: Shadow Legacy launches.
It’s aiming for a fast paced blend of fantasy shadow powers and sci-fi gadgets as the player explores environments ranging from rural plains to multi layered sci-fi slums.
All of this as the player tries to uncover the mystery of what happened to an ancient race called the Ereban, and the megacorp that runs the planet and claims to have solved an energy crisis.
There’s a classic indie feel to this of aping classic hits but putting a slightly fresh spin on it for release.
Broken Roads
Developer: Drop Bear Bytes
Publisher: Versus Evil/Tinybuild
Platforms: PC
Release Date: 10/04/24
2023’s CRPG sweep was denied thanks to a last minute delay for Broken Roads from Drop Bear Bytes, right in the middle of the review period.
This time channelling classic Inexile Fallout, this isometric RPG in a post apocalyptic Australia is unashamed of it’s influences. Turn based combat and complex decision making underpins what they’re calling their Moral Compass - where your choices inform your philosophical leanings, and they then influence your in game stats.
There's ambition here, but that last minute delay has many folks sceptical - so may be worth waiting to see how things shake out here.
Infection Free Zone
Developer: Jutsu Games
Publisher: Games Operators
Platforms: PC
Release Date: 11/04/24
With 90,000 wishlists on Steam ahead of it’s 11th April release date, Infection Free Zone is clearly offering folks something they want, by letting folks build a base and fight zombie hordes in an isometric setting.
But that’s nothing new right? How’d this get so popular?
The twist here is that they’re building all this based on data taken from Openstreetmap - so if you want to see how a facsimilie of your town would handle a zombie outbreak, you can do that.
This is coming to us from the folks behind surprisingly well received strategy games like 911 Operator and 112 Operator so there’s a pedigree here that should mean that Infection Free Zone offers a sandbox simulation that’s directly giving players a way to model the fiction on the real world.
Harold Halibut
Developer: Slow Bros
Publisher: Slow Bros
Platforms: PC, Xbox, Playstation
Release Date: 16/04/24
But what if you’re looking for something utterly unique in design? Well then you probably want Harold Halibut, where an entire adventure game has been built using hand animated models. Which means players get to experience an undersea absurdist bureaucracy set sci-fi dystopia rendered in clay and felt. This game is a feast for the eyes, with writing that truly captures the absurd comedy it's trying to land - and the Steam Next fest demo was well received earlier this year.
As an adventure game, a lot of the long term enjoyment here will come down to the quality of the puzzles and narrative over time - but considering that Harold Halibut has been in development for ten years, you at least won’t have to wait as long as the Developers to see if everything comes together.
Developer: Novadust Entertainment
Publisher: Future Friends Games
Platforms: PC
Release Date: 16/04/24
On the same day we get to finally see Europa from Novadust Entertainment release.
This exploration focussed open world game has been a hit in trailer showcases thanks to it’s anime-esque visuals as a jetpack using cyborg explores the titular terraformed moon of Jupiter.
Gameplay will be navigating around in this open world platformer, solving puzzles and unpicking the mystery of why Europa has been abandoned, but on a player level, all of this is gonna come down to how good that movement feels.
So it’s helpful that Novadust have already released a demo to make sure people are on board. Check it out before launch and see if this stylish game is for you.
Developer: Obsidian
Publisher: Xbox Games Studios
Platforms: Playstation, Switch
Release Date: 16/04/24
Being ported to Playstation and Switch on the 16th, Obsidian’s Grounded brings the shrunken backyard survival co-op game to other platforms.
Despite being a departure from Obsidian’s norm, the game’s proved it’s chops with a fanbase who are on board for seeing the world from a bug’s eye view.
Now everyone else gets to join in regardless of platform.
No Rest for the Wicked
Developer: Moon Studios
Publisher: Private Division
Platforms: PC, Xbox, Playstation
Release Date: 18/04/24
An ARPG from the folks who made the Ori games is an intriguing prospect, more so since they started saying all the right things after the game’s recent full gameplay reveal. Launching in Early Access on the 18th, this is a brand new entry in the ARPG genre, and a brand new setting for the studio. Combat wise this seems to have all the precision and depth that Moon Studios brought to metroidvania, promising customisability and options - but this time with an almost Soulslike focus on positioning, dodging and parries to ensure players are constantly engaged with combat.
But there’s some other aspects here that Moon hope will engage non-genre fans as well. The team are hoping that a grounded, politically driven setting will give players a campaign and world they want to follow along with. And to make sure they’re bought in, there’s the promise of downtime activities like a customisable home, fishing and the eventual restoration of the hub town into a living place.
We are in the middle of an ARPG renaissance as multiple developers offer a new way to try the genre - and bridging the gap between soulslikes and ARPGs, while off
FFXVI: The Rising Tide
Developer: Creative Business Unit III
Publisher: Square Enix
Platforms: Playstation
Release Date: 18/04/24
If you want your RPG less action and more Final, then the FF16 DLC release on the 18th will see the second part of the game's expansion pass turn up. The first part, Echoes of the Fallen, didn't exactly set the world on fire in terms of narrative and character work - but it provided players with a challenging (if short) post game dungeon and some more traditional boss fights than the original Eikon duels.
The Rising Tide now seems much more substantial, with a whole new game region to explore in Mysidia, more world building in the role of Bearers and the answer to what happened to the missing Eikon fight from the core game: Leviathan.
In gameplay terms, expect more weapons, abilities, enemies and side quests in the new region, but recognising that folks are enjoying the action combat, the team have added another challenge dungeon - Kairos Gate, where players will unlock the mode by finising the DLC, then prove their skill against 20 waves of enemies.
It's not going to change your mind if you didn't care for the base game - but if you liked FF16, you'll probably like this.
Dead Island 2
Developer: Dambuster Studios
Publisher: Deep Silver
Platforms: Steam
Release Date: 22/04/24
On the 22nd, Dead Island 2 escapes from Epic Games Store exclusivity and brings the surprisingly well reviewed first person zombie killing game to Steam. There weren’t high expectations after years of delays, but it seems Embracer actually got this one right - letting Dambuster Studios just make a solid action game with a darkly comic streak.
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes
Developer: Wolf And Rabbit Games
Publisher: 505 Games
Platforms: PC, Xbox, Playstation, Switch
Release Date: 23/04/24
Originally coming from a very successful Kickstarter, the 23rd’s Eiyuden Chronicles: Hundred Heroes is the spiritual successor to the classic Suikoden RPGs - even down to original Suikoden creator Yoshitaka Murayama taking on the role of Scenario Creator - just before his tragic passing earlier this year.
In terms of what this game offers, this is classic turn based combat role playing, in the classic style of collecting characters (this time more than 100 of them) and in a year of remakes, remasters and new entries in classic franchises - Eiyuden Chronicles gets to take a different path as they build a spiritual successor under the control of the people who built the original.
And what’s making it really stand out in the previews we’ve seen is that the game is not just retreading what came before, instead it’s building upon it to build something new.
Phantom Fury
Developer: Slipgate Ironworks
Publisher: 3D Realms
Platforms: PC, Xbox, Playstation, Switch
Release Date: 23/04/24
The sequel to, Ion Fury, one of the first generation of Boomer Shooters is almost here as Phantom Fury launchs on the 23rd.
One of the first titles releasing under the newly Embracer-less 3D Slipgate Ironworks - this is 90s FPS action through and through, even down to the polygonal weapons.
There’ll be more than 20 of those weapons, along with upgrades and gadgets and a full array of interactable tools like helicopters or stage hazards, meaning Phantom Fury offers players plenty of replayability as they shoot their way across America in this pulpy road trip story that sees an old cyborg trying to save mankind from doom.
Tales of Kenzera: Zau
Developer: Surgent Studios
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platforms: PC, Xbox, Playstation, Switch
Release Date: 23/04/23
An EA Original, Tales of Kenzera: Zau is the first title from Surgent Studios, a metroidvania that sees a young shaman try to restore his father from the grip of the god of death. A budget priced metroidvania that uses Bantu myths of great spirits as the basis for a game where players will be changing up combat styles between aggressive moves with a sun mask versus controlling the stage with the moon mask - and using new abilities to traverse a 2.5d map that is textbook for the genre. For a first time developer, the Steam Next fest demo provided a strong showing of the initial mechanics - but it’s the lovingly rendered setting and storytelling that really makes the game standout.
Another Crab’s Treasure
Developer: Aggro Crab
Publisher: Aggro Crab
Platforms: PC, Xbox, Playstation, Switch
Release Date: 25/04/24
Sometimes you love to see something just a bit different - and Another Crab’s Treasure from (who else) developer Aggro Crab represents just that. This is a soulslike, but there aren’t too many of those where you’re playing a hermit crab battling undersea opponents. Framed as lowering the approachability for those who haven’t yet enjoyed the genre, action combat on the ocean floor will be the key to a story of a crab just trying to get his shell back - while dealing with an overarching threat of pollution. Cute, potentially deep and with a fun aesthetic, this could be a nice break for genre diehards.
Sand Land
Developer: ILCA
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Platforms: PC. Xbox, Playstation
Release Date: 26/04/24
Obviously there’s an extra level of meaning for the release of Sand Land following the passing of original Manga creator Akira Toriyama - but with Sand Land being an original story from him, there’s going to be a lot of attention on this one. Tying in with the anime releasing this year, itself adapting the classic manga, this is a world of desert dunes where humans and demons attempt to survive as water is scarce and the deserts are filled with monsters. But rather than being Dune but anime - this is Mad Max by way of tanks. This is an open world Action RPG built around the iconic vehicles of Toriyama, lovingly rendered in the style that made them famous - with players having full control over customising them for battle and traversal in the open world, and early previews suggest that the depth of control for players is something that long time fans will fully be able to appreciate.
Whether it’s gameplay will live up to the legacy is yet to be seen, but visually at least, this is a game that deeply understands what people want from an adaptation.
SaGa: Emerald Beyond
Developer: Square Enix
Publisher: Square Enix
Platforms: PC, Xbox, Playstation, Switch, Mobile
Release Date: 25/04/24
A whole new SaGa game that’s pitched to be fully standalone - and thus a perfect jumping on point in a year of great RPGs. The SaGa games stand out from the rest of the pack through their story structure, players effectively crafting their own path through the non-linear narrative and levelling, creating an experience that’s unique to you. For this title 6 protagonists jumping between 17 (very) different worlds make up the core prospect, with the story changing and developing depending on how and when each story element is reached by the players. In a year where we’ve seen multiple great RPGs releasing from well established Japanese developers, this feels like Square Enix trying to make sure all of their fans are catered to.
Manor Lords
Developer: Slavic Magic
Publisher: Hooded Horse
Platforms: PC
Release Date: 26/04/24
The second most wishlisted game on Steam finally releases in Early Access on the 26th - growing from a solo dev posting prototype gifs on twitter many years ago. Manor Lords is the quintessential village builder. Authentically rendered central European maps will have minor nobles raising villages, directing farms and eventually engaging in minor border skirmishes. The latter part is the killer app here though - as when you mobilise your standing forces to protect your town (or raid a rival) you’ll be shifting to a Total War style real time combat system that will see blocks of peasants slamming into each other. Obviously with that specific combo of mechanics, there’s a lot of interest in the game even beyond Steam’s usual favouritism for city builders/RTS games - but it’s worth remembering again, this will be an early access release of a game from a Solo Dev. We shouldn’t be expecting it to dethrone the major players on day one.
Stellar Blade
Developer: SHIFT UP Corporation
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Platforms: Playstation
Release Date: 26/04/24
But if you want your gameplay to be more immediately visceral, Stellar Blade is also releasing that day. There has been a lot of conversation about the aesthetics behind Stellar Blade, the upcoming action RPG directed by long time character artist Kim Hyung Tae - mostly because his design sensibilities are very appealing to certain audiences.
But the design philosophies behind Stellar Blade’s gameplay might be the real secret sauce here, taking more than a little inspiration from character action games like Nier: Automata as a robotic hero tries to navigate a post apocalyptic world with stylish combat tricks. Playstation clearly agree, having picked the Korean game up for publishing exclusively on their platform - maybe because they were tired of not having a Bayonetta competitor of their own.
Sea of Thieves
Developer: Rare
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Platforms: Playstation
Release Date: 30/04/24
Finally, on the 30th, Xbox’s final entry in their console non-exclusivity experiment releases.
Sea of Thieves has been shooting up the Playstation pre-order charts since it’s announcement, and it’s no wonder - the game is well known as a sandbox that’s only gotten more filled with toys over time - and now everyone gets to play.