This Week With Bellular!

A quick catch up of some of our great content from this week - 3rd to 7th June - and some free samples to peak your interest!

This Week With Bellular!

We've finally levelled out on this rollercoaster track our team seem to be on, for the time being.
We've had a public announcement on our Patreon regarding our plans with it and our members, go check it out now if you haven't seen it yet.

As well as a new QoL feature/fun addition to our Members Lounge Discord.
Adam has introduced PatchBot to a Free Games Updates channel.
You can now receive notifications about the latest Free Games on Steam, Epic Games and GOG.

With that out of the way, here's our latest freebies and articles for your enjoyment.

This One's On Us

Failures, Layoffs and Negative Reviews. Words known, feared and heard often in the gaming industry right now.
And that's nothing new as we look back to November in these free posts.
Showing us PlayStation having another bad week like they have recently and Starfield being the ones to take a review hit on Steam.
Check them out for a taste of what we've talked about this week -

Loading Screen: Embracer Threaten Another Studio, Playstation’s Live Service Failure and The Dead Overwatch League
Today we’ve got Embracer threatening to close a studio before it even releases a game, Sony unable to release Live Service games on schedule and the Overwatch League being definitively dead.
The Starfield Steam Review Situation
Bethesda is taking flack for responding to Starfield Steam Reviews, but it turns out everyone does it! They just do it better than Bethesda.

If you like the look of these or any of our posts below, consider signing up today!
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Our Best This Week: News

We're just 1 month on from the "review bombing" of Helldivers 2 and we saw how beneficial that turned out for the players, now it's TF2's turn to ask Valve to do something about the Bots.
As well as that we have a few other devs in the spotlight for some questionable choices and just disappointing news. From expensive skins to studio failures.

Loading Screen: Take Two’s Failure of The Future and Larian’s Multiplatform Modding Plan
Reporting suggests that Take Two’s ongoing failure of their indie divison might go beyond the two studios it’s already hurt, while for Larian, the future of Baldur’s Gate 3 is soon to be in players hands.
Video: Riot’s Toxic MacroTransactions
Ad Free Video! Riot Games wants $450 from you for the highest tier of their latest bundle of cosmetics for League of Legends. But that’s not the only thing as recent events have led them to need to restate their position on player harassment, and they have harsh words for the perpetrators:
Loading Screen: The Studio That Lasted 8 Months, Stolen Indie Games and PSVR’s PC Compromise
Just Cause Developer Avalanche is the latest to layoff developers after management decisions, but it’s not just AAAs misbehaving. We’ve got a tale of the smallest scale indie games being stolen, and then Playstation’s hope that you’ll pay more for their PC VR Solution, but be happy to get less.
Destiny’s Final Chance
The Final Shape is the final roll of the dice for the Destiny team that’s been battered over the last 12 months. What Bungie didn’t need is for the expansion to launch to applause for the actual game they made - but players being unable to experience it due to crashes, bugs and technical issues.
Video: PlayStation’s Bad Week
AD Free Video! It was a hell of a week for PlayStation. An Apology for Neil Druckman. An investor call that told us half the audience is still on PS4. Half PlayStation’s money comes from third party live services and a state of play that managed to just annoy people. At least they have Astro Bot!
Loading Screen: 20,000 Negative Team Fortress 2 Reviews in Three Days
The SaveTF2 campaign is over - the FixTF2 campaign has begun! The community are sick of the sheer volume of Bots that they’re now dealing with - and the people who host those bots. And now they’re hitting Steam where it hurts - right in the user reviews.

Our Best This Week: Warcraft

The War Within is shaping up pretty nicely and it's left Gerard and Matt wondering on the Future Of Warcraft. Listen to that and more Lore from their podcast Lorewalking, as well as our latest videos.

Video: Azeroth Is NOT A Titan!
Ad Free Video! Azeroth has always very much been a Titan in waiting. But now? No. She’s so much more than that, and in understanding that story, we see why by the end of the of the Worldsoul Saga, Aman’thul will be our headline antagonist.
Video: Surprise Class Reworks! How TWW Looks So Far
Ad Free Video! They’ve been going mad in the class dev chambers, and on top of Hero Talents, they’ve also dropped a massive amount of class changes on us all alpha long. Here’s where we are now.
Lorewalking: Arathi - The Future Of Warcraft?
The home for all Bellular content: Warcraft, Gaming News and more.

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The home for all Bellular content: Warcraft, Gaming News and more.