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WoW’s ‘Best’ Content Is Back
Yeah, “best’. Without BfA’s nonsense holding them back, Horrific Visions Revisited are incredible. Here’s the rundown.
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Yeah, “best’. Without BfA’s nonsense holding them back, Horrific Visions Revisited are incredible. Here’s the rundown.
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WoW's greatest liar, greatest corruptor and greatest thief all want the Dark Heart. Who came out on top? Not Xal’atath.
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Blizzard’s answer to WeakAuras: Good enough, or a huge waste of time? The answer might be both.
Alleria said Xal’atath isn't an Old God. She’s a survivor from the depth of time. Somehow, that sounds bigger. So today, we’re diving into the other possibility. She’s a fallen Worldsoul.
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Xal'atath got owned, and her betrayer just told us exactly where our next patch is going to take us.
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11.1.5 hit the PTR out of the blue, and it looks much bigger and better than we expected.
Gearing’s a bit much these days. Here’s a step-by-step guide keeping it as simple as we can.
If you know what you're doing, delves in Season 2 are way easier and massively rewarding - here are the details you'll need.
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A whole new collection feature, finally! Every step to get them as soon as possible - and as effortlessly, or as hardcore, as you want.
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Value is in the eye of the beholder, and after taking stock of things, I think I understand why modern WoW struggled after The War Within’s launch.
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WoW’s most iconic spec should, by all accounts, be Havoc. It was king in Legion and BFA, and it’s been sliding downhill since. Is 11.1 the change it needs? In some ways yes, but in others, no.
In Legion and BFA, they watched us. From Telogrus Rift to our Adventure Journal, they watched. Now Shadreen and her mysterious master are stepping out from the shadows.