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Loading Screen: Kingdom Come Delivers Embracer To Success
I don't think anyone was expecting Embracer Group to become a single-player game publishing powerhouse, and yet here we are.
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I don't think anyone was expecting Embracer Group to become a single-player game publishing powerhouse, and yet here we are.
Despite the headlines, Steam didn't really ban advertising in games. Instead, the biggest market in PC gaming has just clearly laid out the rules on what they'll approve - it's more than you might think.
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What happens if a developer on Steam uses their game as a trojan horse to deliver malware to players? Today, we get to see Valve's reaction.
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Crossplay has been disabled on Civilization VII for launch day, and all because Firaxis have had to scale back its ambition for a multiplatform launch in favour of fixing problems.
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PlayStation won't explain why, but PSN was down for 24 hours this weekend. Unfortunately, that's made players realise just how tied to the internet their gaming experience has become.
A new report suggests that Warner Bros is at a tipping point, with no big releases coming, not even a live service game. It looks like Multiversus finally marked an end to that ambition.
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For 20 years, Sega have relied on a yearly release that's turned up like clockwork. This year, they've cancelled it entirely and surprisingly audiences are lauding the decision.
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Paradox Interactive hasn't had the best time in recent years, but this quarter marks a success. How have they reacted? They bought a tropical island (or at least a game developer who makes them).
Valve now has SteamOS on third-party devices, fulfilling a dream ten years in the making. Now they're poised to dominate an emerging market and set the standard for everyone else.
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A few weeks ago EA suffered their biggest stock market drop in years. Now they're trying to convince Investors everything is alright. How did they do?
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Four studios' worth of developers isn't enough to guarantee that the next Battlefield will be a game you'll like. So EA wants you to just try it yourself.
With the news that Bioware has been reduced to under 100 staff as they start the next Mass Effect, it's time to look back at their path to this point. EA and Bioware's leadership have a lot to answer for.