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Loading Screen: Key Creatives Have Left Platinum Games
The reveal of Okami 2 has led to further revelations about the team making it, including that Hideki Kamiya has taken many of his Platinum coworkers with him when he left.
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The reveal of Okami 2 has led to further revelations about the team making it, including that Hideki Kamiya has taken many of his Platinum coworkers with him when he left.
A step-by-step guide to hit the patch running at max efficiency.
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Not content with taking on one of the FPS genre's largest brands, Team Jade have set their sights on combining and besting two of them! So should players of Escape from Tarkov and Battlefield all jump ship to Delta Force?
Warcraft Videos
A leaked survey shows exactly what Blizzard are doing now: Deciding which class(es) to make next!
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Today, in this special edition, we go through everything worth talking about from The Game Awards, delivered straight to you.
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Warner Bros will meet their obligations for Suicide Squad, and not one day of development more. 2024's most high-profile flop will just about make it to 2025 as the end of service is announced.
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No king rules forever, my son. Path of Exile 2, the latest attempt at the ARPG throne, might have the momentum to snatch Blizzard's crown, despite Diablo 4's valiant effort.
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AAA games publishing CEOs flew too close to the sun and so, over the past two years... their staff paid the price! Has the bubble truly burst, and if so, what's next?
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In a sign of just how broken things can be online, Itch.io was taken down this weekend by Funko Pops of all things, thanks to terrible automated systems and AI-powered management solutions.
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Steam is a great platform for many reasons, doing much over the years to maintain its reputation. That doesn't mean Gabe & co should rest on their laurels!
Literally everything coming in 11.0.7. Yes, everything. And a few things that quite notably aren’t.
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We're fans of not losing video games to history here, so GOG's work is admirable. Not so admirable are Blizzard's empty promises to support their preservation efforts!