Loading Screen: Who Is Game Balance Actually For?
Just because players *want* something - that doesn't mean it's good for them or for the game they're playing. Thanks to a report from Activision - now we've got some evidence to back that up.

Just because players *want* something - that doesn't mean it's good for them or for the game they're playing. Thanks to a report from Activision - now we've got some evidence to back that up.
I don't think anyone was expecting Embracer Group to become a single-player game publishing powerhouse, and yet here we are.
PSN was down for a full day. That might sound like an inconvenience and nothing more, but looking deeper we see a Sony who continues to make big, risky, wasteful bets... apparently without a backup plan?
Despite the headlines, Steam didn't really ban advertising in games. Instead, the biggest market in PC gaming has just clearly laid out the rules on what they'll approve - it's more than you might think.
What happens if a developer on Steam uses their game as a trojan horse to deliver malware to players? Today, we get to see Valve's reaction.