Researcher and Writer for Warcraft Content. Also one of the two hosts for the Lorewalking Podcast!
The mysterious guardians of Elun'Ahir's roots. Part-troll, part-elf, part-quillboar - and devoted to the Worldsoul like no-one else. Who, exactly, are the haranir? And when will we find out more?
The Isle of Dorn, at first glance, is just about Baelgrim's sacrifice and introducing the new race. In truth, it holds some of WoW's best storytelling to date. Let us walk you through it.
From Ulduar to Khaz Algar, the history of the Earthen is a story of struggle against Titan edicts. Each moment a step on the path to mortality.
The trap is sprung. The Blood of the Old Gods. It feeds on our hate, anger, fear and pride. Every ounce fuels Xal’atath's crusade.
"Every villain is the hero of their own story." Our villain, Xal'atath has designs for our Worldsoul. Between her and Zek'vir, something more is going on. Does Xal'atath fight for Dimensius, a yet-unknown master, or just herself? We think we've got answers. Or maybe we just have more questions.
The Light's story is due a violent crescendo. The fanatical Arathi Emperor and his army awaits, and we found out what kicked them off. And likely what they'll want from us.
One little fishy sent us down a rabbit hole. Void speculation is on the menu - come along for the ride. Especially if you like Azshara.
A dozen or so hours of Lorewalking to guide you through launch. Starting with our new episode designed to prime you for your first while in The War Within!
Dalaran has a dark & storied history. It's been destroyed more times than you might imagine, often delivering a magic object of doom into a villain's hands. Yet recently, as we've fought our greatest battles, it's been our home.
He's cool, there's no doubt about that. And he's got enough presence to give even Xal'atath pause. But there's way, way too much he's not telling us.
Alleria Windrunner is one of The War Within's main characters. But who is she really? We've put together a comprehensive breakdown of not just her lore, but her story - all the way from Warcraft 2.