Apex Legends Licensed Lootbox Loss
Apex Legends has their audience up in arms about a licensed tie in with FF7 Rebirth - one that's asking for more money from players to participate.
Apex Legends has their audience up in arms about a licensed tie in with FF7 Rebirth - one that's asking for more money from players to participate.
The early access sequel has outlived two developers and the gutting of its publisher, yet somehow it's not only still available for purchase, but is more expensive than most of its peers?!
2025 is starting strong, with some long-anticipated indie releases like Citizen Sleeper 2 or Hyper Light Drifter, while we finally get to see what Dynasty Warriors can offer with the power of a modern games console.
Inspired by the man who abandoned Bethesda to strike out on his own we wondered... are modern tools finally at a place where AAA bloat can be sidestepped to success?
2025 will be a big year in games, with the biggest of all being Grand Theft Auto VI. How massive is it going to be? Analysts are already predicting it's going to make over $3bn.