Video: WoW News: Don’t Expect A New Warcraft Movie… Maybe.
Ad Free Video! This week’s WoW news covers season 4, the imminent alpha drop, John Hight talking movies and indie games and PSAs for your gameplay this week
Ad Free Video! This week’s WoW news covers season 4, the imminent alpha drop, John Hight talking movies and indie games and PSAs for your gameplay this week
Two live service games today, one with no plan for keeping updates going, and one with a plan to close down. It's another day in the games industry.
An army of secret developers is making your video games, and per a bombshell report, they're suffering to do so.
The future of the Worldsoul Saga is clear, but the bridge between the War Within and Midnight remains a mystery. Two massive storylines are coming to their conclusion, yet only one major patch to resolve them. The Haranir’s Rootlands or K'aresh? What will be the War Within’s final patch?
The evil is defeated, and going forward PlayStation won't be demanding PC users sign into a PSN account. Instead, they'll be asking, and offering rewards if you do.