The Ultimate Keybinding Guide (With Personal Planner!)
Years of WoW, FFXIV, fighting game and rhythm game experience has taught me how to bind and press buttons. Let me pass that knowledge to you - complete with my personal planning tool!
All of our Warcraft news, guides, and in-depth lore content, plus our videos as soon as they're ready - ad-free to boot.
Years of WoW, FFXIV, fighting game and rhythm game experience has taught me how to bind and press buttons. Let me pass that knowledge to you - complete with my personal planning tool!
Dalaran has a dark & storied history. It's been destroyed more times than you might imagine, often delivering a magic object of doom into a villain's hands. Yet recently, as we've fought our greatest battles, it's been our home.
He's cool, there's no doubt about that. And he's got enough presence to give even Xal'atath pause. But there's way, way too much he's not telling us.
Warcraft Videos
Ad Free Video! The WorldSoul Saga is going to be huge, with hundreds of characters. But we’ll be stepping foot into Khaz Algar for the first time with a tight cast of established characters. Today, we’re going to see where we left off with those characters.
Warcraft Articles
A quick breakdown of what that animated teaser was, and what we think it's actually teasing.
Warcraft Videos
Ad Free Video! Which classes won? Which classes lost? Just before launch, here’s a final look at what the class change score is.
Alleria Windrunner is one of The War Within's main characters. But who is she really? We've put together a comprehensive breakdown of not just her lore, but her story - all the way from Warcraft 2.
The profession overhaul in Dragonflight was mostly welcomed, but suffered from major oversights leading to a sub-par two years for crafters. Let's dig in and see how much they've fixed for TWW.
Warcraft Videos
Ad Free Video! We were worried about the lack of story in their marketing. Then they proved us very, very wrong.
Warcraft Videos
Ad Free Video! Not sure how to break this - the tank nerfs are your problem, healers. That’s one of the biggest changes coming into the expansion, but the upside is that almost every healer’s been upgraded or revamped in fantastic ways. Key word: almost.
Welcome to a special edition of Lorewalking - cinematic reaction time! Threads of Destiny revealed a whole lot about Azj-Kahet before we arrive, and it may have even revealed something new about Xal'atath.
They're back! Our beloved creepy crawly spider people. The War Within's resurrection of the arachnid race is excellent, and to help you love them, here we are with a primer. Are these Nerubians related to the ones we know? Does the lore support them, and do they expand it?