Shadows Defied All Expectations
Assassin's Creed Shadows is on track to be the best-selling game in the series. Good thing, because Ubisoft have more riding on that game than just sales.
News straight to you, before it reaches video form! All the facts and all the analysis, as soon as they're ready.
Assassin's Creed Shadows is on track to be the best-selling game in the series. Good thing, because Ubisoft have more riding on that game than just sales.
Steam has more than 19k games released yearly since they allowed Generative AI. Is the slop taking over?
Leaks are a bad thing, that's why people sign NDAs. So why are Battlefield developers openly discussing leaked footage online with fans?
Ubisoft is keeping secrets, at least according to their most irate shareholders. But as the company gears up for the launch of AC Shadows, some background moves are being made that could change the face of the company forever.
A global trade standoff means the prices of your games and hardware could increase. More than that, it could also change the face of the games industry forever.
Activision's grasping hand of greed has now extended as far as giving you purchase opportunities when you die in Call of Duty.
Capcom's biggest ever success came at a price for PC players, and that might not have been an accident.
Warner Bros. Games just shut down three studios and their games, and per sources inside the company, it's all due to leadership that couldn't lead.
Too many League of Legends players have "substantial skin collections for free". Riot are putting a stop to that, and players aren't happy.
Overwatch's new season is a massive shift, changing the game in a way that might finally earn the 2 on their name. But it's not just because competition has arrived.
After 20 million players played your game, you'd think your job would be safe. In the games industry, you'd be wrong.
Despite the headlines, Steam didn't really ban advertising in games. Instead, the biggest market in PC gaming has just clearly laid out the rules on what they'll approve - it's more than you might think.