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Editor's Note #5: 2023, Co-Op... Collaboration Or Chaos?
What co-op games did you check out in 2023? Conall runs down his experiences, hopefully you'll enjoy grouping up for the read!
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What co-op games did you check out in 2023? Conall runs down his experiences, hopefully you'll enjoy grouping up for the read!
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In this edition, our Editor presents a journey of anecdotes from an incredibly strong year for videogames. Was your year similarly a contrast to what the GOTY lists would suggest it should have been?
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Welcome back to Editor’s Note, an editorial column from myself, Conall. I’m the longtime video editor of Bellular News, occasional researcher and in fact the longest serving staffer here, having been hired by Michael nearly 8 years ago.
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It's a new month, which means new Video Games! Check out this selection of upcoming releases.
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In this edition of Editor's Notes, Conall shares his positive experience with Amazon Luna x Ubisoft's cloud-streaming, due to limited time and resultant preference for easier gameplay. Its not for everyone!
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Conall, video editor on Bellular News, criticizes AAA industry practices that are leading to unnecessary Ls, like rushing releases and overhyping minor DLC. The case study today: Modern Warfare III's low score and miserable campaign.
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It’s that time again, where we highlight cool and interesting games releasing this month including much anticpated remakes, a few potential dark horses that might be amazing niche games and of course Call of Duty.