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Loading Screen: A Rockstar Tells Rockstar "Go F**k Yourself"
Today we've got out-of-touch Sony Execs, an indie team somehow surviving their corporate overlords and Rockstar getting harsh words from a rockstar.
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Today we've got out-of-touch Sony Execs, an indie team somehow surviving their corporate overlords and Rockstar getting harsh words from a rockstar.
It’s been ten years since the original release of Destiny. As part of the celebration of that, the staff who’ve survived at Bungie through a year’s worth of layoffs are trying to convince players there is, in fact, content for year eleven and onwards. And that they should stick around to see it.
News Posts
Today Baldur's Gate 3 modders have already cracked open Larian's tools to make their own campaigns, AMD will no longer take the fight to Nvidia at the top of the card space, and we bring you the best of this week's upcoming games - and writing.
The highest-rated game of the year to date is a mascot platformer that took 3 years to build, had 65 staff, and abandoned every modern AAA business principle. How did Astro Bot become so successful? It’s fairly simple. They just made a game the way everybody else used to.
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Remedy is struggling with Alan Wake music licenses again, but this time there'll be no delisting of beloved games. Meanwhile, Arrowhead has shown off the future of Helldivers, but maybe illuminated more than they intended to. Plus this week's Weekend Recommend: Astro Bot!
Sometimes you wait thirteen years for a sequel to a beloved game, and when it arrives - it’s almost everything you expected. Space Marine 2 is out, reviews are stellar and after all this time, hope was not the first step on the road to disappointment.
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Days after Concord went so badly, Sony's CFO is giving interviews saying the company needs more "original IP", while Paradox is trying something new by making their games more valuable to players with free DLC.
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Today, Concord's been pulled from sale as Playstation goes back to the drawing board, we've got an Indie trying to sell $90 MTX bundles and we've got Xbox trying to charge $6 for some old JPEGS.
A game that is no longer being made by the original developers, that seemingly had new content pushed out way too early, and which is getting massive backlash from long-term fans. We need to talk about the Risk of Rain situation and how messy the whole thing is.
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Today Valve have doubled down on their new practice of actually developing games by acquiring the team behind Risk of Rain, while Xbox's back end has managed to annoy another indie developer enough that they'll no longer be publishing a game on the platform.
Twenty five thousand sales worldwide. Those are the analyst estimates on how badly Concord’s launch has gone for PlayStation. But as the smoke starts to clear, and the questions start to be asked - was this always going to be the case?
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The games industry is on fire. Developers are striking, studios are closing, unions are agitating and layoffs are hitting hard. Let's make sense of it all together.