Michael Bell
Members Public

This Week With Bellular

A quick catch up of some of our great content from this week - 8th - 12th July - and some free samples to peak your interest!

Michael Bell
Members Public

Video: Blizzard Made It Official! Delves, M+, Progression & More

Ad Free Video! It's time for this week's WoW news recap! Blizzard are iterating on War Within features, a store mount has our lore brains going wild, and a lovely confirmation: more character screen unlocks are coming!

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Loading Screen: Once Human's Data Harvesting Accusations, MultiVersus Killed A Game and Palworld Copies Pokemon

Are the accusations that Once Human is stealing people's personal data true? We don't think so. But it does look like Multiversus might have killed an entire other game by existing - and the Palworld team are getting into the media empire game, so they're copying Pokemon in that respect at least.

Michael Bell
Members Public

Video: What Was The Point Of Dragonflight?

Ad Free Video! A lot happened in Dragonflight, but not all of it was important to the story going forward. This video covers the point - the important events and themes that'll help you understand The War Within.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

"Not Every Game Should Be... Some Live Service Boom or Bust"

“Not every game should be aimed at becoming some live-service boom or bust. And a release should not begin an ever-accelerating treadmill on which devs are forced to run until their mental or physical health breaks down.”

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Loading Screen: Embracer's Latest Dead Studio, Total War: Pharoah's Final Update and More!

Today we've got confirmation that Embracer are still racking up dead studios, the final efforts of Creative Assembly to improve Total War Pharoah and much more!

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Rockstar Cancelled Single Player DLC Because MTX Was More Profitable

Sometimes we’re given a stark reminder that the people in charge often don’t care about video games. Like when an ex Rockstar developer finally confirms Single Player DLC for Grand Theft Auto V was abandoned because how could it compete with the money printing machine that is GTA Online?

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

EA Just Broke Apex Players' Trust

In one announcement, EA and Reswpawn managed to undo years of goodwill for Apex Legends, a game that had managed to avoid lasting criticism despite still using lootboxes, exorbitant F2P cosmetic costs and more. Let's go through how they broke player's trust.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Take Two Are Selling A Game With No Developer for $39.99

Right now, Kerbal Space Program 2 is on sale for 20% off as part of the Steam Summer Sale. Take Two are selling the game despite having closed the developer making the game, have no clear plan for further development and are putting up a wall of silence around even acknowledging that closure.

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Lorewalking Class Special: Paladin

The noble Paladin. Part military police, part true hero, and one of WoW's most fantasy-rich classes, with some of the greatest champions Azeroth has ever seen.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Upcoming Games: A Jam Packed July

July brings a surge of games releasing to get out ahead of the autumn crush. From heavy hitters like Dawntrail and Zenless Zone Zero, esoteric new entries like Once Human and Anger Foot - and a surprisingly large amount of strategy titles including Cataclismo, Norland and of course Stormgate.

Adam Sayers
Members Public

This Week With Bellular!

A quick catch up of some of our great content from this week - 24th - 28st June - and some free samples to peak your interest!

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Loading Screen: Frostpunk Won't Compromise, Elden Ring's Massive Success and Yet More Assassin's Creed

Today, Frostpunk are taking a two month delay before launch - not because the game isn't good - but because it isn't good enough... yet, elsewhere, From Software have revealed how successful they've been and Ubisoft are threatening us with yet more Assassin's Creed, this time in remake form.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Loading Screen: Licensed Games Means Limited Lifespans and No One Wants These AAA Mobile Ports

A pair of stories today as we lament the loss of Forza Horizon 4 to licensing hell and delisting - while we can study the curious case of the AAA Games being ported to Apple devices, only for no one to buy them.

Michael Bell
Members Public

Video: Blizzard Proved Us Wrong

Ad Free Video! We were proven wrong on delves. Blizzard’s iteration has turned them all the way from threadbare borefests to a solid vision for a new pillar of WoW endgame - and one you can do solo. Unless you’re a healer.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

WTF Happened To Diablo 4?

One Year From Launch, what has actually happened to Diablo 4? It’s not been a great time for Blizzard as they’ve bounced from controversy to controversy in design, selling absurdly expensive cosmetics all the while. And yet audiences are excited by what's next.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Is Elden Ring: Shadows of the Erdtree really too hard?

The big question from the weekend, how can one of the most highly anticipated games, from the most trusted developers, have a 65% user review rating on Steam after it's launch?

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Lorewalking Class Special: Hunter

Hunters are way more interesting in lore than you might have imagined.

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Lorewalking Class Special: Evoker

Evokers are way more interesting in lore than you might have imagined.

Michael Bell
Members Public

Video: Big UI Upgrades Are Coming In TWW

Ad Free Video! WoWs interface is getting some big upgrades in The War Within. The Spellbook has been rebuilt, the Character Selection Screen has got a load more cosy, Oh, and those annoying camera collisions that have existed since forever are mostly gone. Let’s dive in!

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Loading Screen: Missing Xbox Ports and The Story Inside Paradox

Today, Capcom are doing great work with their library collections of classic titles - but one platform will be missing out, seemingly due to technical issues. Meanwhile we're getting to hear from Paradox Tectonic staff on the confusing circumstances that led to Life By You's cancellation.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Todd Howard Responds To Starfield's Paid Mod Complaints

“We definitely see the feedback, right? And that's … not what we want at all” - An interview this week with Todd Howard has seen him respond to the Paid Quests complaints from fans - and thank them for the feedback on where they got it wrong.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Paradox Cancels Game, Closes Studio, Writes off $20m

20 Million Dollars and five years work for 24 people has just been thrown out by Paradox Interactive. Their Life Sim - Life By You - is now completely cancelled, despite plans to launch in Early Access two weeks ago.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Video: Dark And Darker - One Week After Launch

Ad Free Video! This weekend our Dark & Darker video was published and didn't have quite all the necessary facts. Here's our updated take on everything the game has to offer.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Loading Screen: Todd Howard on Starfield Success, Paid Mods and more!

A surprise interview with Todd Howard has given us a look inside Bethesda's plans and principles - as well as a chance for him to respond to the recent Paid Mod controversy within Starfield.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Bellular News Correction Process

This weekend, a News Channel Video was published that didn't align with our principles on coverage, due to a time lag between creation/publishing. It is being reworked. As a result, we're publishing our internal corrections process so how we handle these problems is clear going forwards.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Loading Screen: $1000 Bananas, Xbox Dominates The PS Store and Steam Next Fest Winners!

The third most popular game on Steam is a Banana clicking game - why? Well because some people are selling those bananas for thousands of dollars. Which is less than what Xbox is making after topping the Playstation download charts, two months in a row. Exclusivity is on the way out.

Michael Bell
Members Public

Video: Double Bronze, WoW Leader GONE & Massive SoD Lore Teases

Ad Free Video! Another week, another round of news. John Hight’s leaving the team after 12 years, Blizzard decided to double rewards in Remix, Season of Discovery has huge lore teases and a whole heck of a lot more. Let’s have a look and see what’s went down.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Starfield's Seven Dollar Quest Mod

The Internet is mad about Starfield, and Bethesda’s decision to charge $7 for a single quest. This is just the latest in Bethesda managing to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Dragon Age's Reveal Dilemma

One of the greatest traditions of liking Dragon Age is the reveal of a New Dragon Age, which will then be roundly criticised. So lets talk about it. The history, the reveal, the backlash and the recovery. Including how this isn’t even the first time a trailer failed the series it was selling.

Michael Bell
Members Public

Video: WoW's Cinematic Breakdown, What Does This All Mean?

Ad Free Video! The kick off of the next 3 massive expansions are here and it's resting on a load of built up background. So lets break it down and get you all caught up on what it means.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Bungie Nailed The Landing for Destiny 2

Somehow Bungie managed to create a whole expansion that audiences love, that has managed to effectively end their 10 year storyline in a satisfying way and which hasn’t alienated mass amounts of their audience. Now they need to do it again.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Loading Screen: The Summer Games Showcase Summary

A weekend of games marketing means a newsletter full of new games!

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Xbox Finally Delivered

Expectations going into this year’s set of summer showcases were low. But even with that context, what Xbox showed this weekend has stunned audiences. All of that is incredibly positive - but as we look at the next few years of Xbox, there’s one nagging issue - no one trusts them right now.

Conall McCann
Members Public

Editor's Note #10: Tackling The Backlog

Our News Editor Conall poses the question: What's The Best Way To 'Clear' Your Video Game Backlog? Or does he? Read on to find out!

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Loading Screen: Helldivers Leads the Way On Live Service, GOG *Will* Let You Pass Account On and the Summer Showcase Primer

Updates for Helldivers show the limits of the Live Service model that game wanted to work with, even as Concord follows behind. Meanwhile GOG do what Valve don't and are willing to transfer accounts in the wake of user death, while we run through the key things to remember over the Summer Showcases.

Adam Sayers
Members Public

Summer Showcases Streaming Soon!

This weekend the Not-E3 Geoff Keighly Power Hour is coming. So keep an eye on when the streams your most interested in are showing.

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Lorewalking: Arathi - The Future Of Warcraft?

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Loading Screen: 20,000 Negative Team Fortress 2 Reviews in Three Days

The SaveTF2 campaign is over - the FixTF2 campaign has begun! The community are sick of the sheer volume of Bots that they're now dealing with - and the people who host those bots. And now they're hitting Steam where it hurts - right in the user reviews.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Destiny's Final Chance

The Final Shape is the final roll of the dice for the Destiny team that’s been battered over the last 12 months. What Bungie didn’t need is for the expansion to launch to applause for the actual game they made - but players being unable to experience it due to crashes, bugs and technical issues.

Michael Bell
Members Public

Video: Azeroth Is NOT A Titan!

Ad Free Video! Azeroth has always very much been a Titan in waiting. But now? No. She’s so much more than that, and in understanding that story, we see why by the end of the of the Worldsoul Saga, Aman’thul will be our headline antagonist.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Upcoming Games - A Jaw Dropping June

June is a great month for games, yet a comparatively quiet one for mainstream releases! You know why? In between the behemoths of Destiny 2 and Elden Ring, we've got some very brave indies and AA titles - Lets make sure they don't get lost in the crush.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Loading Screen: Riot "Won't Miss" Toxic Players and Redfall's Death Has Changed Zenimax

A pair of stories today - Riot's uncompromising stance on harassment in the wake of players being forced out of games of Valorant and then the final death of Redfall - and the good news that's brought for the rest of Zenimax. Plus the weekend recommend - Selaco!

Michael Bell
Members Public

Video: 22 Levels In 30 Minutes - The Ultimate MoP Remix 10-70 Levelling Methods

Ad Free Video! This video covers the best overall way to power level a lot of characters in MoP Remix, as well as a VERY broken method that exploits trial account character level limits to make scaling go mad.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Loading Screen: Riot's $450 Skin, XDefiant's Quiet Success and Sony Apologies To Neil Druckmann

Ubisoft continue their trends of quietly successful launches that hardcore audiences don't talk about with XDefiant, Sony would like everyone to stop talking about the Druckmann interview that they pulled from the internet and yes, we have to talk about League of Legends $500 skin pack.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Loading Screen: Sony Put Words In Neil Druckmann's Mouth, Bungie Took Down More Cheaters in Court

Turns out that Sony went further than smoothing out talking points in the recent Neil Druckmann interview - they added whole new words. Meanwhile Bungie have managed to secure yet another legal win against industrial cheat providers, and we bring you the most interesting writing of the week!

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Valve Just Made Lootboxes Worse and Other Steam Problems

Valve have new Lootbox tech, Steam accounts aren't even transferrable on death, Some gamers are being unfairly penalised by Steam because of their country and Valve really don't want to acknowledge Deadlock.

Adam Sayers
Members Public

A Beginners Guide to QA

We talk a lot about the games industry as a whole in our newsletter. But Adam, our in-house QA and Ghost editor, thought it might be nice to give his take on QA from an Indie Studio perspective.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Showcase Showdown - Your Guide to Summer 2024's Games Events

We thought it was good idea to gather up all the times and stream locations for ease of access - so you don't miss anything you'd like to watch.

Conor Caulfield
Members Public

Games Media is Being Failed By Its Owners

You, the audience are not being served by the Games Media being consolidated and gutted to produce content rather than journalism. So today we’re going to take you through this story, and a wider look at the ecosystem. And how you’re being failed by the interests of very few people.

Tee-Jay Dack
Members Public

MoP Remix Cosmetics Tracker

Feel free to use this custom built Cosmetics Tracker for yourself, so you also don't get that FOMO feeling!

Recent Posts

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Lorewalking Class Special: Hunter

Hunters are way more interesting in lore than you might have imagined.

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Lorewalking: Arathi - The Future Of Warcraft?

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Lorewalking: Everything Alpha (So Far)

Man, this is already out of date, things move that quickly. Here's some of Gerard and Matt going over their favourite bits of lore and story from The War Within alpha so far!

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Lorewalking: Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire

Xal'atath, the Harbinger, residing within the Blade of the Black Empire, is responsible for a lot more than we know. While the world moved around greater forces, she has always known which domino to push to further her own end - bringing us to ours.

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Lorewalking Class Special: Demon Hunter

The edgiest class known to man. They're raw, unfiltered, lords of suffering - and they never let you forget it.

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Lorewalking: SoD's Secret War

Season of Discovery's new lore additions are enough for us to properly journey through, never mind just dander.

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Lorewalking Class Special: Priest

Priests. As we find out in our journey today - they're the most lore-relevant class in Warcraft right now, and very, very different to what a 'Priest' is in other fantasy worlds and games.

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Lorewalking: Second War (Part 3 & 4)

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Lorewalking Special: Second War (Parts 1 & 2)

Hey everyone! This post is a little special. This post contains both Part 1 and Part 2 of our Lorewalking Second War Special - and they're both free. Just, you know, as a treat. Enjoy! Human Campaign The glorious kingdoms of Lordaeron stood for hundreds of years. Their

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Lorewalking - The First War

Warcraft 1, the First War(craft), led the way for Azeroth with all its rich and beautiful lore. But what did it look like back then? Let's find out.

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Lorewalking - Worldsoul Saga Speculation

The Worldsoul Saga. Not quite a fresh start, but almost - from here, it's a mad dash to the finish, so we sat down to freshly speculate based on everything we possibly could. This is a wild one!

Gerard Mc Auley
Members Public

Lorewalking: Worldsoul Saga Special

We talk about the Worldsoul Saga for about an hour. Musings on WoW's overall plot and themes, as well as where this story is going to take us.