Steam Are Trying To Protect Customers From Season Passes
Steam are changing how PC game sales work, again, and this time, their sites are firmly set on curbing the worst excesses of Season Pass products on their store.
Steam are changing how PC game sales work, again, and this time, their sites are firmly set on curbing the worst excesses of Season Pass products on their store.
Warcraft Videos
So much lore just clicked into place.
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If you don't find Warcraft, Diablo or even Call of Duty among your regular rotation of games on PC, you might be surprised to know their (main) home to be somewhere that, on its launch, could have given Valve a run for their money!
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PlayStation might be buying another first-party studio, as Elden Ring and Dark Souls maker FromSoftware are allegedly in their sights. But are they the actual target?
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There was no smooth takeoff for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 as launch problems caused turbulence, resulting in a game that many people literally could not play.
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Payday 3 launched badly and its developers have been working hard to fix things ever since. Now management is cutting their funding.
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Approaching five years since the massive betrayal, Blizzard has given Warcraft III some much-needed TLC. It IS Blizzard though, so it didn't go quite as planned...
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The Game Awards' surprise rule change and nominee list hint at a wider problem we all feel poisoning gaming. Or does it? Let's take a look.
Warcraft News
The truth behind Warcraft 3 Reforged 2.0, explaining the odd new game that showed up on your launcher, and some slight news about Starcraft! Yay!
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Lies get halfway around the world before truth can lace its boots up. In other words, there are some of this week's stories with vital updates.
After 25 years of driving Azeroth’s lore, we’re finally going to Undermine. The centre of goblin tenacity, greed and dynamite nature.
News Videos
6v6 is back, Overwatch has returned to its original form and of course, all its lapsed players have returned and everyone is happy... Surely Blizzard hasn't dropped the ball again?