Lorewalking: Everything Alpha (So Far)
Man, this is already out of date, things move that quickly. Here's some of Gerard and Matt going over their favourite bits of lore and story from The War Within alpha so far!

Man, this is already out of date, things move that quickly. Here's some of Gerard and Matt going over their favourite bits of lore and story from The War Within alpha so far!
Millions around the world use Discord daily. Our team uses the platform to coordinate our work. You all probably use it too! We like Discord, which makes the concern about the slippery slope the platform appears to be overlooking such an important one to gain an understanding of!
Ubisoft just announced a new company, a €1.16 billion partnership with Tencent, and possibly a plan that will protect them from any hostile takeover in future.
Once you understand the systems at play here, gearing an alt in one day isn't just possible - it's the norm. Here's how!
Nintendo just reinvented game sharing for Switch games ahead of the Switch 2 launch, and then, to top that, they reinvented how game marketing works, too.