Warcraft Articles
How I Fell In Love With My Death Knight (Again)
WoW has helped many find love, but that's not the kind I'm talking about today.
Writer of everything. On the Warcraft side - guides, lore, news & videos. On news - backup Loading Screen writer, the odd review & opinion piece.
Warcraft Articles
WoW has helped many find love, but that's not the kind I'm talking about today.
11.1 has been all but revealed through some dialogue on the PTR. Blizzard's story teasing has levelled up, so today, I've broken every last drop of lore down. That way, we're all on the same page.
Loading Screen
343 is dead. Long live 343. Xbox's hail Mary to restore Halo to its rightful place has begun. Halo Studios, Unreal Engine 5, and a stack of promises. But does a new name and engine change anything? Yes, actually!
The long story of the dwarves, starting with Modgud Thaurissan back at Grim Batol, comes full circle as Magni finds answers. Xal'atath's machinations become terrifyingly obvious as the havoc she wreaks on Khaz Algar grows. Plus, kobolds are definitely paladins.
This is it: The Isle of Dorn campaign explained in excruciating detail. Not just what happened - but what it all actually means.
The mysterious guardians of Elun'Ahir's roots. Part-troll, part-elf, part-quillboar - and devoted to the Worldsoul like no-one else. Who, exactly, are the haranir? And when will we find out more?
The Isle of Dorn, at first glance, is just about Baelgrim's sacrifice and introducing the new race. In truth, it holds some of WoW's best storytelling to date. Let us walk you through it.
Warcraft News
Blizzard dropped a truly massive post of class and hero talent changes for the next patch. Here's my detailed analysis. Emphasis on detailed.
Warcraft Newsletter
A huge Metzen interview breakdown, launch woes recap and some key information you'll want to know. This is a test run of a Warcraft Newsletter. You in?
Thanks to this book being decoded, we know more about the Arathi. We know what they did when they arrived on Avaloren: Established "glorious dominion". We also know who they dominated, and that it took hundreds and hundreds of years.
Xal'atath's modus operandi is to make unwitting villains of those who wish to be heroes. Does she see herself as a hero, too?
A quick PSA to get your buff before you game. Includes a WeakAura to remind you to get it & refresh it.